Thursday 5 March 2015

Deer Cullers Reunion Kuripapango 2015

My tent up on the ridge, the basecamp to the left mid photo.
Last weekend of February and  a great time had by all at the NZ Deer Cullers reunion, held on the edge of the Kaweka Forest central North Island.

A few photos from the weekend, didn't get a shot of the beautiful Ngaruroro River where some of us went swimming to cool down, was a very hot and sunny weekend. Great turn out and catering and hospitality from the sub committee led by Paul Mucalo was awesome. We ate crayfish, and lots of venison of course. Full breakfasts of bacon, eggs, tomatos, huge pots of tea, billys on the boil all day on the old coal range in the hut.

I stayed as its called 'up top' up from the main Doc base my tent pitched alongside the historic Robson's Lodge, built early last century.

Was a thrill to meet two deer cullers from the Internal Affairs days, thats pre 1956 David Logan who remembers working under the 'Major" G. F.Yerex, he was a delight to talk too, and Ash Cunningham who had a book for sale Bush Yarns, he signed a copy for me and we had a good ol yarn. I interviewed Ross Courtney, he knew Frank and hunted a winter season with him doing possums. I made several new contacts and generally soaked up the atmosphere and enjoyed hearing many wonderful stories from both south and north island cullers.

Was fantastic to meet Dave Pratt the president, and other committee members, to wish Sandy Heslop Happy Birthday on the Saturday and hear him yodelling!! His lovely partner Sandy, yes there were a few women there, wives and partners.

Unfortunately I missed meeting the professional hunter Natalie Curnow who turned up but next time hopefully. Will treasure these memories and looking forward to next years, it will be the big 50th reunion, what a milestone and a party that will be!!

The camaraderie amongst these fellas is strong, and perhaps the most intimate memory is when I upped my tent pegs and stayed the last night down in the hut in my own bunk room and woke early to hear the first man in the next room rousing from sleep then another who said, 'okay you put the billy on,' then slowly they all rose, (about six of them) and wandered out to the kitchen where by torchlight they sat drinking tea and talking about old blocks hunted and other things.

I lay in my bunk listening to them and thought wow this is what they would have done when they were working, they'd be sitting in the hut in the semi dark with a brew talking about the day ahead, it was an honour and privilege to be privy to this.

Thanks everyone for making me so welcome...see you next year.

Historic Robson's Lodge.

Ashley Cunningham, Internal Affairs culler.

Terry the Scotts man, told some great yarns. Now that guy on the right we talked at length about the flora around Comet Hut.

Up near Comet Hut guessing the range of 3 cardboard cutout deer across the valley. Sandy Heslop won the competition.

Russell Hulme's hat , retired culler and gunsmith from the Hokianga.

Russell having a rest from the sun.

Paul pouring the compulsory shot of whisky for entrants guessing the range.

Komata or Comet Hut where we had lunch on  the Saturday.

Inside Komata Hut

Logan who worked hard all weekend to see we were well fed and generally looked after, what a guy he just never stopped. Here he is flipping the venison patties for lunch at Comet.

Hey Allan lets take a Selfie. The treasurer and me inside Comet Hut , he never stops smiling! Such a fun and great guy. See you next year Allan.

Deer Cullers come on in!! Ernie and his partner Alison drove all the way from Tuatapere, Southland for the reunion. He yodelled and sung along with Sandy for a bit on Saturday night.

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