Sunday 1 September 2013

Going West Books & Writers Festival

Exciting news! I'm on a panel at the Going West Books & Writers Festival. Alongside Chris Maclean, author of Stag Spooner, Wild Man from the Bush, also Rob Brown and Shaun Barnett two of the three authors from Shelter from the Storm, The Story of New Zealand's Backcountry Huts.

We will be sharing the stage for 90 minutes, chatting about some of the extraordinary but lesser known characters of the New Zealand wilderness, backcountry huts, rock bivs, camp oven bread - anything wilderness could be thrown into the conversation.  I'll be talking about Frank and his deer culling mates, sharing  anecdotes and stories from my research and interviews.  There will also be visual presentations; so a nice mix of info to sit back and absorb.

Come along folks, to Titirangi Community Hall, 12 -1.30 pm September 14. Here's more about Chris, Shaun and Rob and also check out the other great events and booking details via the links:

Cheers and I'll be back again soon.

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